Dear Friend, How are you doing, really? That’s always on my heart when I connect with you. But now, more than ever, I wish I could look you in the eye and hang on your every word. I care about you! As a mom and ministry leader, I’ve faced a number of storms over the years. But nothing compares to the powerful, life-threatening storm called COVID-19. Would you agree? So what do we do? How do we successfully navigate this ministry storm and emerge from this challenging season with greater resilience and resolve? Thankfully God doesn’t leave us guessing what to do. Please turn to God’s Word with me in a new message I recently shared for ministry leaders called, “Navigating Life in a Storm.” As we walk through the continued spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) and see its impact on the world and our own lives, please know that I’m praying for you. I’m praying His protection and strength of mind, body, and heart. Though our world is shaking, our God, His Kingdom, and promises are unshakeable. Here are some unshakeable ABC Truths about Who God is that we can remind one another, and ourselves! Almighty. He sees, knows, and responds to the prayers of His children. (Luke 12:24) Burden-Bearer. He is bigger than our burdens and invites us to cast ALL of them on Him because He cares for us. (1 Peter 5:7) Comforter. He is the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort who sees our fears, and counts and dries our tears. (2 Corinthians 1:3-4) He is our Deliverer, Emmanuel, Faithful, Good, and our Hope and Help in times of trouble. And there are more! List His names and His attributes from A to Z. Tell the next generation. I’ll do the same! Friend, may He give you eyes to see that though our circumstances are stormy, our Storm-Calmer is with us, for us, and will bring us through! You are not alone, and so very LOVED. |