47 Random Things about Me by Cindy Bultema
In honor of my 47th birthday, here are 47 random things about me. Enjoy!
1. My favorite restaurant is Qdoba. I could eat their fresh salsa every single day.
2. On my first date with my husband John we went roller-blading.
3. For my 40th birthday, my friends and family rented a roller skating rink. I loved every minute of it!
4. My first job was at the Quad Movie Theater.
5. My dad attended Purdue University when I was little, so I lived in the student housing in Lafayette, Indiana. (My Dad likes to joke I was so smart I went to preschool at Purdue!)
6. I loved being a Resident Assistant at Michigan State. I graduated with a BA in Psychology.
7. I spent Easter 2002 in the Sahara Desert. We stayed in a refugee camp — cockroaches and all.
8. I love being a wife and mom.
9. My mom is the hardest working, most giving woman I have ever met.
10. I lived in Kokomo, Indiana until the 6th grade. I still keep in touch with my childhood best friend, JJ Landis.
11. For baby #2, the doctor told me based on the ultrasound I was having a girl. On August 10, 2001 my baby “girl” was born — Benjamin James Bultema.
12. I love to CELEBRATE! Any holiday, any occasion — especially with colorful table cloths and lots of confetti.
13. I usually read about 4 books at a time.
14. I go to Starbucks more than I should. My drink of choice – a skinny vanilla latte, extra hot, no foam.
15. I (mostly) cook dinner every night. I would have never thought I would enjoy it — but I do. Kind of.
16. I had the opportunity to pass out Samaritans Purse Shoeboxes in Cairo, Egypt in 2003. It was absolutely lifechanging.
17. I gave my life to Jesus Christ in July 1996. My life has not been the same since. Thank You, God.
18. I dream of writing a book someday.
19. My son Jake is much taller than me now. He’s 22. I have to stand on my tip toes to give him a good night kiss.
20. Did I mention I love being a wife and mom?
21. I could spend all day at the bookstore studying the Bible. Next to my home, it is my favorite place to be.
22. My life verse is Jeremiah 29:11. I love sharing how God used that verse to change my life….literally.
23. I used to despise having red hair. Now I pay to keep it red.
24. My husband and I are exact opposites — but I couldn’t imagine anyone else in the whole wide world I’d rather be married to. God is the perfect match maker.
25. I love sparkly things.
26. John and I traveled throughout Greece with the New York School of Bible while I was researching my book Live Full Walk Free. My favorite stop was Corinth. What a huge blessing!
27. We have a beagle named Rocky. He barks. A lot.
28. One of my all-time favorite movies is Akelah & the Bee.
29. Growing up, I always wanted to be a Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader or a teacher.
30. In 2010 we were featured in the Grand Rapids Press for Spring Break Staycation ideas. The reporter couldn’t believe I let the kids color the front of our house with sidewalk chalk.
31. I graduated from Grand Rapid’s Ottawa Hills High School in 1988.
32. I am terrified of mice. I don’t mind snakes or bugs, but mice — eeks!
33. One week before my trip to Turkey to film “Red Hot Faith,” I completely lost my voice. Thankfully, we could reschedule the trip and 1 week later we went. Yay!
34. If I could have coffee with anyone, I would love to sit with Beth Moore and thank her for sharing her passion for God’s Word with me.
35. I love sending and receiving cards. I try to be faithful to sending my friends cards on their birthdays.
36. The first Bible study that I “taught” was at my best friend Julie’s house with 14 close friends.
37. In 2011, 5 out of 6 of my family members had lice. It was horrible. People still call me for lice remedies.We tried them all.
38. My hope is to point people to Jesus with everything that I think, say, and do. Jesus is my life.
39. I never tire of watching my boys play hockey.
40. My parents and in-laws both live less than 10 minutes away. You couldn’t ask for better parents/in-laws/grandparents. Blessed.
41. I love, love, love teaching God’s Word. Anytime. Anywhere. Anyone.
42. I sucked my thumb until I was in the 4th grade. My grandma would bribe me with money to try and get me to stop.
43. I love confetti. I’ve collected it since I was a little girl. If I send you a card—watch it. 🙂
44. My favorite family tradition is our annual Mystery Day.
45. My favorite TV shows are Dateline and 48 Hours.
46. I spent my 47th birthday in Guatemala with Compassion International.
47. Did I mention I love being a wife and mom?