
Hi Friends —

What’s the most dreaded part of your daily routine? The part of your day you would love to delegate or remove entirely?

For me, it’s easy — dinner time. Ugh.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m all about gathering around the table with family, sharing our daily highs and lows and catching up with one another. BUT making meals night after night, month after month, year after year has worn me right out. It’s my least favorite thing to do.

I’ve tried meal planning and Pinterest recipes and crock pot ideas and freezer cooking, but for this season of my life, I just do not find joy in figuring out a new way to make chicken. Again.

What’s a mom to do?

A couple of months ago, in response to a plea on FB for help—as I frantically drove to the grocery store in a Michigan blizzard to find something to make for dinner—a friend asked me if I had heard of Hello Fresh.

I hadn’t.

When she told me they sent everything you need for three meals a week, I was curious. When she gave me a coupon for $40 off, I was intrigued. We tried our first Hello Fresh family box, and now I am hooked.

HelloFresh_Product_Veggie_Box_USHello Fresh is my new favorite mom hack.

Let me reassure you, I have not been asked by Hello Fresh to blog about their services, nor am I receiving any benefit from doing so. Our family has just been so blessed by this meal service, I feel like I wouldn’t be serving you well if I didn’t tell you about it.

Here are the Top 3 things I love about Hello Fresh:

    1. You receive 3 full meals to prepare with all of the ingredients you need. Except for olive oil and salt and pepper, they send you everything. No need to run out at the last minute for the balsamic vinaigrette or red onion or fresh garlic. It’s all included.
    2. We are trying foods I would never purchase on my own, but the kids like. Personally, I don’t like brussel sprouts, asparagus, cauliflower, or turnips—therefore, I never buy them. (#dontjudge) With Hello Fresh, we have received them with our delivery, and my kids have tried them and even liked them. My daughter now says oven roasted green beans are better than french fries. Who knew?
    3. My tweens are learning new cooking skills. Since we receive three meals a week and I have three tweens, our new rule is everyone “gets to” make one meal a week. Each meal comes with a detailed recipe for the kids to follow. They are learning new cooking skills—zesting, chopping, etc. Brilliant! And they are proud of their work. Here are two pics taken off my kids’ Instagrams.
Benj's Before & After

Benj’s Before & After


Sarah & her friend making meatloaf

Sarah & her friend making meatloaf

Sarah’s friends text her now to see if they can come over and help make our Hello Fresh meals. Awesome!

Currently Hello Fresh gives you the opportunity to give complete boxes to your friends to try, once you’ve purchased a box or two. When I was thinking about who I could share my latest free box with, I thought of YOU, my beloved blog friend.

Would you like to win a FREE Hello Fresh one week delivery?

To Win a Hello Fresh meal box: Leave a comment and share with me why you would like to win this giveaway.

Extra Entries:

•Share this giveaway on FB
•Tweet about this giveaway including a link to this post
Please be sure to leave me a comment to let me know your extra entries.

Check Hello Fresh’s delivery areas here to be eligible to win. Currently they serve all US states, except Hawaii and Alaska.

RULES: Starts today, Wednesday, February 24th, 2016 and ends Monday, February 29th at 9 PM. Winners will be contacted by email during the week of March 1st.

If your email address is not connected to your ID, please leave your email address with your comment or email it to me at cindy@cindybultema.com with the subject “Giveaway.”

For everyone – if you’d like to give Hello Fresh a try, here is a coupon code for 40% off your first meal box.

Coupon Code: 335S8Y



What’s your favorite Mom Hack, friend? Do you have a favorite recipe? (I still need ideas for the other four days of the week) I would love to hear from you!

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*. Have a wonderful, joy-filled day!


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