Hey Friends –
What is the #1 question you are asked?
Personally, I often get asked about my journey from addiction to freedom.
When others find out that I’m a former cocaine addict—turned passionate Jesus follower—they typically ask how I overcame my rebellious former life, and want to know the details of my transformation.
I never tire of sharing how God turned my life upside down and gave me a new life in Him!
However, now that Red Hot Faith has been published, and with my new project being released by Thomas Nelson Publishers later this year, I receive countless e-mails, coffee invitations, and phone calls about my journey to publication.
The new #1 question I’m asked is how to pursue getting a book/Bible study published.
If you are prayerfully considering publication, or know someone who is, the # 1 Tip I always encourage someone to do (after I encourage them to pray earnestly and start a prayer team) is….
Attend Writing/Speaking Conferences
I’ve found one of the best ways to network and connect with other writers, publishers, and editors is to attend writing/speaking/leadership conferences.
I was sharing this same information with my friend Jen Ferguson. Jen lives in Texas, and while we shared guacamole, I encouraged Jen to come to Michigan to attend one of my favorite conferences, Carol Kent’s Speak Up Conference.
(If you’ve not heard me rave about the Speak Up Conference, you can review my thoughts here.)
I was telling Jen how at the Speak Up Conference, you have the opportunity to meet 1:1 (at no additional cost) with representatives from publishing houses, such as:
- Revell
- Zondervan
- Discovery House
- Kregel
- Somersault
- Blue Water Ink
- Credo
- NavPress
- Bold Vision
Long story….Jen prayerfully considered, came to the Speak Up Conference a few summers ago, and…. well, you can read the rest of her story HERE— it’s so exciting!!!
Sweet friend, if you dream of being published, I’d love for you to prayerfully consider attending the Speak Up Conference as well this summer.
Whereas I can’t promise you will have the same success that Jen did, I can promise you will learn, laugh, network, and come home equipped, inspired, and empowered!
Check out this amazing list of workshops here. See what I mean!
I’ll be there again this year, once again as a facilitator and workshop presenter. Woo Hoo!
And please don’t allow expenses to hold you back ~ there are scholarship dollars available to help contact Bonnie for more information.
If I could, I would pay for everyone I know who senses God is calling them to write, speak or lead in ministry to attend. Since I’m not able to do that (bummer), I can go to Bonnie (the Speak Up Administrator) and ask how we could help interested participants attend. Drumroll please…
I’m thrilled to announce I have 5 $100 partial scholarships to giveaway! Can I get a woo hoo?!
To Win one of my Speak Up Conference $100 Scholarships Giveaway: Please leave a comment in the comment section answering this question:
Why would you like to win a $100 scholarship for the Speak Up Conference?
Extra Entries:
•Follow my blog *She Sparkles*
•Share about this giveaway on FB
•Tweet about this giveaway including a link to this post
Please be sure to leave me a comment to let me know your extra entries.
RULES: Starts today, Tuesday, May 17th and ends Monday, May 23rd at 9 PM. Winner will be announced the week of May 24th.
If your email address is not connected to your ID, please leave your email address with your comment or email it to me at cindy@cindybultema.com with the subject “Giveaway”.
Do you have dreams for publication? What have you found helpful? What lessons have you learned? I’d love to hear from you!
Thanks so much for stopping by *She Sparkles*! God’s richest blessings to you!
You are going to be such a BLESSING to everyone who hears your presentation!!! Side note: You (and Jen) are already some of my BFFs–you love Jesus and guacamole! In my book, that’s pretty much a friendship made in Heaven! xoxo