Allegan Fair Sept 2012

A to Z Memory Verse followers, thank you for your patience! I promise I’ll post the next verses (R & S) tomorrow – plus a special “Laughter, Lice, & Lemonade” giveaway too!

Hey Friends –

Happy “Thankful Thursday” to you! What are you thankful for today?? 🙂

I’m thanking God BIG TIME for a GREAT day at the Allegan County Fair yesterday!

(In case you are wondering what I was doing at the fair, recap here). 

Look at this great turnout…

Can you see me in the picture on the stage?? 🙂

First thing this morning, I sent off a note to my prayer team – a dedicated, committed group of prayer warriors who faithfully lift my ministry opportunities in prayer. Here’s part of the “fair recap” I shared with them…

Morning praying friends –

…God is so unbelievably faithful and He answered every prayer, in abundance!

The women (and men) in the audience were amazing! They laughed, they cried, they responded to my “3 life lessons” and “played along” when I asked them to recite back what they were learning. (Y’all know my style – smile).

MANY came to see me after my time of sharing and shared their “sour moments” (and yes, their lice stories too!). God was in our midst and was working powerfully!

Some picked up my DVD, and RBC made flyers with my next TV air date (they are rerunning He Loves Me on October 21, 2012) – so I am hopeful many will see my “whole story” and hear clearly my love for Jesus. Yay!

The first woman who came up to me after my time of sharing said, “You have Jesus all over you”. Now that made my heart warm! What a beautiful thing to say! Woo Hoo!

Also, this was the first time in many years that my husband John was able to come (usually he’s at home with the kids)!

When I asked John what he thought about our fair adventure he said, “I wonder if your praying friends know the huge difference they are making. I mean, you’re a good speaker and all, but God showed up huge, and I think it was from your friends that are praying. I hope they know how much difference their prayers are making, and to please not stop praying”. I said, “I KNOW. I KNOW!!!”…..

THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! I felt everyone of your prayers, pictured you in my heart, and couldn’t wait to tell you what God did in the hearts and minds of the women (and men) at the Fair!

To God be the Glory!…..

Chicken Chili recipes for all!

Another fun highlight, since the original speaker was going to give a cooking demonstration ~ I decided I’d share my Award Winning Chicken Chili” recipe with the group. My sweet son Benj even skipped school took the day off from school to help. 🙂  Would you believe we passed out almost 400 recipes for Chicken Chili? What fun!

Guess what I’m making in the crockpot for dinner tonight??  (You can get your recipe here)

Fair with Benj & John post-talk

THANK YOU for your prayers, comments, verse of Truth, and words of encouragement!

Your prayers made a BIG difference and I am beyond grateful!!! 

Today I’m thanking God afresh for His goodness, power, and the beauty of journeying with women (and men) who believe in the power of prayer.

What are you thanking Him for today???

Thanks so much for stopping by *She Sparkles*! I thank God for YOU!!


P.S. Thanks to my dear friend Robyn Dykstra, you can see pics of the day here. (While you are at my FB ministry page, I’d be *thankful* if you “like” it ~ smile!)


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