Hi Friends!

Happy Thursday to you!!

I’m so THANKFUL I made it through a LIVE radio show discussing body image, addiction, and freedom! Thank you for your prayers and encouragement! (If you missed the show, you can listen to an archived copy here)

Also, I’m thankful to announce the winner of the Priscilla Shirer One in a Million book is Jen from Big Binder. Congratulations!!

And for today’s Thankful Thursday post… John and I went for a long walk last night, and unfortunately, I struggled with my breathing and almost had to go in for a breathing treatment. Yikes! Today I am THANKING God for the gift of breath!
Enjoy this post from last summer. After last night’s episode, it’s exactly what is on my mind today…

I failed my test. My breathing test, that is.

I knew failing the test was inevitable ~ for the past few years I’ve really struggled with my breathing. I find myself wheezing and coughing all night long. I can’t walk my dog around the block without losing my breath. When I speak at events, I have to keep an emergency inhaler tucked in the podium. My kids ask if I have an inhaler before we play outside. I’ve given up running. My breathing struggles have limited and restricted my everyday life.

When I went to the doctor, he told me it was asthma. Asthma?? I’m 40. How in the world did I develop asthma? The doctor gave me specific prescriptions and instructions to manage my asthma ~ take Claritin every morning, use a Flovent inhaler every day, and only use my rescue inhaler in case of emergency.

What did I do? I used the Flovent inhaler…a couple of times. I took the Claritin…for about 3 days. And then the Flovent and the Claritin sat on the shelf. I relied on my rescue inhaler too often. I missed out on fun opportunities and adventures. I accepted my new restricted lifestyle and thought I’d be stuck this way forever.

When the day came last month to take a new breathing test, I knew the results would not be good. The doctor asked if I was following his specific instructions. Was I using the Flovent? No. Claritin? Not really. The prescriptions were filled and ready to go, but they were both sitting on the shelf unused.

I came home with a resolve this time to do what the doctor had told me to do. I put a chart by my bathroom sink. I used the Flovent. Check. I took the Claritin. Check. Soon my chart was filled with check marks ~ and low and behold, I could run! I could play! I could breathe!

As I’ve been reflecting on my breathing journey, I’ve thought about other areas in my life where I leave things “sitting on the shelf”. I wonder why I struggle with defeated thinking, or with fear, or feeling not good enough ~ but upon closer inspection…realize I’ve not followed God’s specific instructions. Truth is left sitting on the shelf.

Scripture is clear we have been given everything we need to live the full life in Christ. Everything we need. But we need to do our part too. Having the prescriptions filled isn’t the same as taking the prescribed dose each day.

I must faithfully put into practice the specific instructions given to us through the Word. I must spend time in God’s presence. I must refuse to accept a life filled with fear or defeated thinking or guilt. I must be intentional about the renewing of my mind. It’s not enough for me to have a verse written on an index card ~ I must put Truth into practice!

How about for you? Are you experiencing all that God has for you?

Or are you allowing worry or unforgiveness to steal your joy?

Are you allowing fear to rob you of peace?

Are the lies of the enemy (“you’re not good enough, or thin enough, or _______ enough”) limiting or restricting your everyday life??

May I encourage you to put Truth into practice! Please don’t leave His Words to you sitting on the shelf. Spend time daily allowing His Words of hope to bring healing to your current condition. And before you know it…you’ll be running and playing and breathing like never before!! 🙂

Can I get an Amen??

Enjoy this Thankful Thursday, dear Bloggy Friend!! What are you thanking God for today?? I’d love to hear from you!!!

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