Hey Friends!

I’ll be honest ~ I am intentionally choosing “gratitude” today. Again.

It’s been another long week filled with sickness, car breakdowns/repairs (this time my son Jake’s truck. Ugh.), deadlines, cancelled appointments (due to sick Benj), and more!

But today, I will choose gratitude. I will choose joy. I will thank God Benj has an ear infection and not lice. I will thank God for our warm home and free antiobiotics and a lap top while I watch ESPN Sports Center with Benj….again.

We have a choice, friends….let’s choose to thank Him! 🙂

Here is my Top 5 Thankful Thursday list for today….

1. Red Hot Retreat

Saturday I spent the day sharing my journey and some Red Hot fun with the amazing women of Cross Pointe Community Church. What a blessing!!!

Pic above: I must have been concentrating as Michele was reading Scripture during our worship time. I just wanted to show you sometimes I really do close my mouth – I know you’re used to seeing me more like…

The ladies from Cross Pointe were so warm and genuine, and I am thankful for my time spent sharing with them!

2. I finished my 8 Bible teachings/scripts!

Do you remember a few weeks ago I shared I had a January 31 deadline? Well, praise the Lord, I was able to get all of my writing finished. YAY!!

The production assistant called me Monday night in tears saying she loved the material so much. THANK YOU GOD! And thank you, dear bloggy friends, for your prayer support! Woo Hoo!

3. I’m going on a little trip~

I’m sorry I haven’t shared the whole story yet of what God is up to…there’s just so many details in how God has opened this exciting door. I promise to fill you in soon – in the mean time – here’s part of the fun.

In 42 days I’m going with RBC’s http://www.dod.org/Day of Discovery crew to…..

Turkey! We’ll be filming my new video driven Bible study on site in Ancient Laodicea, as well as footage in Istanbul. Crazy, huh? I know.


4. The *She Sparkles* A to Z Memory Verse Challenge ~

Y’all bless me with you commitment to this challenge! If you have a minute, check out some of the amazing blogs linking up with us here, like….

* Lacey’s 2 year old sharing the verse

* Danielle’s colorful illustration

* Gigi’s memorizing tip
I am so thankful for the A to Z challenge, Verseability (my amazing sponsor!) and the opportunity to journey others! It’s not too late to join us – we’re only on “C”! More details here!

5. My son Jake

We had to order his graduation announcements, cap & gown, etc.. this week. Oh my! How do you make it through your first born graduating? I’ll take all the tips I can get…in the mean time I am thankful for Jake and the nice young man that he is!

Whew!! So there’s my Thankful Thursday Top 5 list!

What about for you?? On this Thankful Thursday, what are you thankful for today?? I’d love to hear from you!!

And to one blessed reader, I’d love to share Ann Voskamp’s One Thousand Gifts Gratitude Journal ($24 value)

To Win my Giveaway: Leave a comment in the comment section answering this question:

What are you thankful for today?

Extra Entries:

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•Add my *She Sparkles* button to your blog
•Tweet about this giveaway including a link to this post

Please be sure to leave me a comment to let me know your extra entries.

RULES: Starts today, Thursday, February 2nd and ends Sunday, February 5th at 9 PM. Winners will be posted on my blog during the week of February 6th.

If your email address is not connected to your ID, please leave your email address with your comment or email it to me at cindy.bultema@gmail.com with the subject “Giveaway”.

Can’t wait to hear what YOU are thankful for, my friend! I thank God for YOU!!!
Sweet blessings to you!

P.S. I’m linking up with others for Thankful Thursday at Grace Alone! Come join us! 🙂

Hey friend —
Join my email newsletter list and receive these FREE A to Z Scripture Cards, along with a printable envelope.  Woo Hoo!
Sweet blessings to you!

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