Hey Cindy,
How did your speaking engagement go last Tuesday? I was praying off the snow like crazy!
Love, Your Friend R.E.
You may remember what she is referring to…I had asked for prayer for a speaking opportunity at Rush Creek Church last week called “Dreams and Detours“. We were expected to receive 10-30 inches (yes, 10-30 inches!) ~ so it was questionable whether the Christmas Event would even take place.
I must share a HUGE note of thanks for praying us through! The snow started to come that evening, but, thankfully, not as quickly as expected. The Christmas event did take place…and it was AMAZING!
God handpicked her to be there that evening, of this I am sure!
God is so faithful and good, isn’t He??
Thank you so very much for your prayers and encouragement! I believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that prayer is the work! I love the quote by Watchman Nee ~
Like a mighty locomotive, His power is irresistible,
but it cannot reach us without rails.”
I’ll often picture this mighty locomotive in my mind as I pray for my husband…”laying down the tracks” as God’s power is unleashed in John’s life as he heads off to work.
Or “laying down the tracks” for my children…asking God to come “roaring through” with His protection and goodness and grace in their lives.
You get the drift…. 🙂
And it breaks my heart to think of a Powerful Steam Engine, filled with divine blessings and miracles, waiting patiently in the station, desiring to have rails on which to run.
Let’s pray down some tracks and watch God’s irresistible power and might blow us away!!! Woo Hoo!! 🙂
And Thank You, dear bloggy friends, for “laying down the tracks” for me. Over the past few weeks, you have blessed me beyond words with your prayers, notes of care and concern, and encouragement. I am humbled and grateful.
What about for you….is there a way that I can pray for you this holiday season??
Can I help lay down some tracks on your behalf??
Cindy, you always make faith in Jesus and living for Him come ALIVE! I'm so happy to hear about the awesome evening and about the lady who came and was blessed. Thank you for sharing your walk with the Lord with us – it ALWAYS encourages my heart and makes me want to love Jesus more. Be blessed today! Love, Jenny C.
Thanks for sharing this post Cindy. I LOVE that mental picture of the train and laying down the tracks. I am praying for safe travels for everyone that will be on the roads this Christmas…and that lost family members will be reached for Christ through the love of their relatives and friends who already serve Him.(-:Brook
What a fantastic way to describe prayer! It really helps me understand it better! I had a car accident a few years back and my hubby sent emails out during the first few months of my recovery. The emails got forwarded so much I had people (even strangers) all around the world praying for me. I know for certain that my full recovery and ability to walk again and have children were due to all those precious prayers. I am glad the Christmas event went well and God was able to speak to His daughters through you. The picture is quite beautiful!!! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas!!!-Crissy
So good to hear how the Lord divinely put the evening together .. and held back the snowflakes. What a gift those lady received as you shared your story with them. The idea of laying down tracks is such a great ones, and the idea of the waiting locomotive is such a heartbreaking one. I am praying about some really challenging family times this season. We need to let Jesus rule us, so He can shine through us. I appreciate any tracks you help me lay.- Julie
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Oh dear friends…THANK YOU for leaving these comments. I am praying!! May God's irresistible and dynamic power be unleashed in your life!! I'm praying for a Christmas miracle for you all!!For His Glory Alone~Cindy 🙂