Hey Friends —
I’m curious…what is it you are most afraid of?
For me, for many years I joined the millions of people in the world with a fear of public speaking.
When I was in elementary school, I peed my pants at school often. (TMI? Sorry.)
I was too afraid to raise my hand in class. The thought of everyone looking at me was just too much for this shy, insecure, red haired girl.
Lovely, huh.
After I came to know Jesus, I sensed the Lord wanted me to share my story of addict to overcomer.
I was terrified.
The thought of getting up in front of a room full of women and talk about my former rebellious lifestyle made me want to lose my lunch. Literally.
In 2003, I first heard about Carol Kent’s Speak Up Conference. I knew I should go, especially if I was going to follow God’s lead and speak in front of people.
However, the thought of going to this conference TERRIFIED me, and I chickened out. I couldn’t do it.
Friends, it took me 4 years to gain the courage to face my fears, until finally in 2007, I attended the Speak Up Conference for the first time.
Can I just tell you….the Speak Up Conference changed my life. Literally.
(Recap here.)
Would you believe I’ve been back to Speak Up every year since?!
You betcha!
The tools, instruction, encouragement, and presentation pointers have been crucial to me in my ministry and personal life.
And not only do I attend every year, for the past seven years I’ve been a part of Carol’s Speak Up leadership team, and have the joy of teaching workshops and encouraging fellow speakers.
(This year I’ll be teaching three workshops, leading one keynote devotion, and meeting with lots of speakers 1:1. I’d LOVE to spend time with you!)
You can tell I don’t have fun with this amazing group of leaders at all.
Kidding. It is a highlight of my ministry year always! (I may or may not bring confetti wands with me.)
Sweet friend, if you dream of speaking or writing, I’d love for you to prayerfully consider attending the Speak Up Conference this July 13-15, 2017 in Grand Rapids, MI.
Whether you sit in PTO meetings, serve in your local GEMS Girls’ Club, lead your local Bible study, dream of writing a book, or simply want to be more comfortable talking in front of others—I think everyone can benefit from the principles at this amazing conference. You will learn, laugh, network, and come home equipped, inspired, and empowered!
You can learn more about the details of the amazing Speak Up Conference here.
If I could, I would pay for everyone I know who senses God is calling them to write, speak or lead in ministry to attend. Since I’m not able to do that (bummer), I can go to Bonnie (the Speak Up Administrator) and ask how we could help interested participants attend.
Drumroll please…
I’m thrilled to announce I have a $200 partial scholarship to giveaway!
Can I get a woo hoo?!
To Win my Speak Up Conference $200 Scholarship Giveaway: Please leave a comment in the comment section answering this question:
Why would you like to win a $200 scholarship for the Speak Up Conference?
Extra Entries:
•Follow my blog *She Sparkles*
•Share about this giveaway on FB
•Tweet about this giveaway including a link to this post
Please be sure to leave me a comment to let me know your extra entries.
RULES: Starts today, Monday, May 1st and ends Friday, May 5th at 9 PM. Winner will be contacted the week of May 8th.
If your email address is not connected to your ID, please leave your email address with your comment or email it to me at cindy@cindybultema.com with the subject “Giveaway”.
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog, *She Sparkles*! God’s richest blessings to you!
Disclosure: I was not compensated in any way for this review (I just love the Speak Up Conference) and, as always, all opinions expressed in this post are fully my own.
Hi Cindy,
What a privilege and honor it would be to have an opportunity such as this. Throughout all the workings God has been doing with me (and He has been going deep), He keeps putting in my thoughts to write, which I have. This blog may be a door God is opening for an opportunity to pursue and learn more. It is interesting because you been on my mind to where God has put on my heart to share a story I wrote about what Jesus did for me; how he rescued me. It is titled “Lost In The Wilderness.”It is about my past and current situation, healing and restoring, laying it all down. My dream and passion is to be a writer and hopefully someday, if God willing, to have a ministry dedicated to hope for lost souls or those in the dark.
Thank you for honoring your spirit within you, Cindy with gratitude.
Thank you for the chance to receive a partial scholarship. I’d like to learn all I can about being effective as a speaker and writer, because the message of God’s love is most important. I want to convey messages that will engage and impact people with hope: hope that God’s Love is for them, hope that God is present in their suffering, hope that God hears and answers prayer, and hope that God would call and gift them to bring hope to others. I know I would benefit from more training, but my small budget for continuing education from my inner-City church won’t cover this conference. Thanks for considering my entry, among all the good ones you will receive. I follow your blog and will share on Facebook. I don’t Tweet, but I’ll go pray that the news of the conference reaches everyone who needs to be there this year:-)
I would love to attend the Speak Up Conference! I feel like God has been prepping me to make a big leap into the unknown by sharing my journey from battling worthlessness to accepting my place of Royalty as His daughter. Despite this urgency, events have taken place that have acted as road blocks to what I thought was Next to come. So here I stand, poised, at the ready as if waiting to jump in and skip rope double-Dutch style. Until God reveals His ever perfect timing, I resolve to continue praying and preparing.
I know God has moved His mighty hand in my life the past 6 months. I have the book brewing, but in a Holy Spirit moment I knew I still needed to pour into our kids. That was about the same time I discovered GEMS. I fit perfectly in what I just knew God promised me years prior. I know it is part of a big journey.
I know one day He will lead me back to my book and more blogging. Too many people tell me the world needs more of my story. Yet, for now I think I need direction. I need confidence…like there is one hidden piece holding me back. I would love pointers on Speaking. I feel things are happening quickly and I need to stay ahead so anxiety doesn’t take hold.
Hello Cindy,
I am very much looking forward to spending time with you in July. I am very much looking forward to absorbing and learning while soaking up all the info I can from you and the wonderfully talented ladies at the conference. I had a scholarship one year and this year I am going again. I am all signed up and ready to go.
I feel the Lord impressing on me to attend, that I have a job to do. Receiving a scholarship would affirm this. Prayerfully consider me.
You know that feeling you get when you feel as if God’s asking you to do something, but it’s too big so you just want to puke? That’s where I was at last year when I ventured into this speaking/writing thing… similar to how you described the start of your speaking journey.
Why would I want to win this scholarship? Well Cindy, can we throw some confetti at my face?? I finished my book (it’s at the theological editor as we speak)!!! I complained a lot, and thought it was hard, but God gave me the strength to push through. I prayed about it and decided to go the self-publishing route, but always felt like God had a phase 2 up His sleeve.
What if this was my phase 2?! Let’s have some pukey dreams here for a second … What if I was able to meet with traditional publishers at the conference and they got excited about my book?? Excited to speak life over weary creatives and to encourage them to be the influencers they are created to be. What if I was able to gain some new sets of skills that would further equip me to partner with God in strengthening people’s creativity, God-given identity, and purpose to influence the kingdom for Christ. What if …
What if this was the phase 2 I was feeling in my heart?!
If it’s not, I know God has plans that I don’t yet see. Believing for the right woman to get this scholarship and celebrating with whoever that is.
If it just so happens to be a blessing for me, then get that confetti ready, as I’m believing for BIG things.
Thanks for hosting this partial scholarship. What generosity.
— * I also subscribed to your blog by providing my email above, posted on facebook, and tweeted this post out — I’m just semi-competitive.
Dearest Cindy,
I would love to attend the conference. First of all, I would love to spend time with YOU learning and growing.
I’ve wanted to get into public speaking for a while, but don’t really know what ‘story’ God wants me to talk about. There are so many life lessons I’d live to share!
I had the chance to give a short presentation this past December, and I loved it. One of the sweet older women I know came to me afterward and told me she could see public speaking in my future.
As a Small Group Leader in our Women’s Bible study, I have discovered my love of helping women understand the Bible in a deeper way. I had the opportunity even last night to help a woman understand (with scripture!) that her salvation can’t be lost. These experiences are all God…my memory is horrible since my thyroid was removed last year.
I have no idea where God is leading me, but I want to follow. My hope is that this conference would help me find focus and clarity.
Hugs, Natalie
PS. I’m following your blog and I shared this on facebook. ?