Thanks for praying me through the Speak Up Conference last week!
I can’t wait to share with you how God showed up BIG TIME!
I’m still processing everything I learned and experienced – but look for updates and fun pictures very soon.
Thank you for your prayers and encouragement!
Today I have “Fat Talk” on my brain.
If case you are wondering, “Cindy, what in the world is ‘fat talk'”? Here’s how the Reflections Program describes it…
- Fat Talk describes all of the statements made in everyday conversation that reinforce the thin ideal and contribute to women’s dissatisfaction with their bodies.
- Examples of fat talk may include: “I’m so fat,” “Do I look fat in this?” “I need to lose 10 pounds” and “She’s too fat to be wearing that swimsuit.”
- Statements that are considered fat talk don’t necessarily have to be negative; they can seem positive yet also reinforce the need to be thin – “You look great! Have you lost weight?”
Can I be honest with you? Most of my 42 years, “Fat Talk” ruled my life.
Many of you know my story and life long struggle with weight issues (recap here). It was empty, defeated, self absorbed living….and “Fat Talk” nearly cost me my life.
Thankfully today I AM FREE!.
Can I get a “Woo Hoo”?!
Do I still wrestle with “Fat Talk”? Yes.
BUT…..I now have tools and TRUTH to help me experience the victorious, free, abundant life that is mine (that is YOURS!) in Christ!
This week I have the opportunity to share my “Fat Talk” journey to freedom on Lisa Shaw’s radio program, “Break the Silence“.
Lisa’s Radio Program will be on air live this Thursday, June 28th, at 11:00 AM EST.
I can’t wait to share a message of Truth, hope and encouragement to women struggling with “Fat Talk” around the country
Here’s where I would love your help, dear *She Sparkles* friends!
- Have you ever wrestled with “Fat Talk”?
- Are you experiencing freedom in this area?
- What has helped you on your journey of freedom? What do you wish someone would have told you?
- If you could ask me a question about my journey from “Fat Talk to Freedom“, what would it be?
Also, if you have experienced victory in this area, I would LOVE to hear YOUR story! 🙂
Today I have “Fat Talk” on the brain – but in a good way!
Let’s ask God to redeem every lost moment that we’ve wasted allowing “Fat Talk” to rule our lives – carrying a heavy load of shame and guilt for not looking like the world’s definition of beauty (blech!).
Let’s also thank Him in advance for renewing our minds and giving us eyes to see ourselves as He sees us – beautiful, lavishly loved daughters of the King!
Let’s live different than the world, friends! Let’s live “Fat Talk Free”!
(Sign the promise form here)
Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*! God’s richest blessings to you!
Oh, Cindy! Seriously. So much Fat-Talk. Since I was about 12 and someone told me to “suck it in”. Ugh. And that person was an adult (and I was still VERY skinny).
You know, a few weeks ago I was talking to my husband. I said, “I know I have a really bad weight problem.”
He looked at me, confused. Shook his head. “You don’t have a weight problem.”
What? Really? I don’t? But that’s how I see myself.
His 6 words really shook me…in a good way. I’d say that was a pretty victorious moment. My husband is so great. 🙂
Susie, your husband ROCKS!
I’ve found most women don’t have a weight problem as much as they have a “thinking” problem. I’m praying that your pretty victorious moment translates into pretty victorious living.
You are beautiful – inside and out, my friend!
Cindy, this has been an issue for me for as long as I can remember, though I really can’t pinpoint why. Maybe it goes back to seeking my father’s approval and his criticism of anyone overweight. I don’t look at others critically but I do myself.
Lisa, isn’t that the truth? We can talk to ourselves with such criticism and harshness, but we would NEVER say those same words to anyone else. I’m praying that God helps you identify the root of where your lies come from, so that you can eradicate your false beliefs and plant new seeds of TRUTH!
You are beautiful, you are loved, and you are accepted – just the way that you are!!
Wow, this speaks to me sis. Fat talk has totally ruled my life.
Thanks for being so honest, Denise. Thankfully it’s never too late to decide that we will no longer allow Fat Talk to rule, and instead be filled with the Truth of what God says (and not the world, etc..). You are beautiful, my friend! Thanks for sharing! xoxo
I struggle with this daily and I am 58 yrs old. I love food and portion control is a big issue with me. I liken it to being a drug addict – one chip and I end up eating the whole bag. I have been on diets since the age of 20. I know I use food to fill the emptiness in my life. I know I must trust God to fill that emptiness instead of food. At times I am victorious, other times a complete failure.
Boy can I relate! I struggled with an eating disorder for many years, and can see many similarities between my struggle with food and the struggle I had with alcohol and drugs. BUT GOD! You are so right on with your thoughts about God filling the emptiness, and not food. May I remind you, my friend, that when you make poor food decisions you may have made a bad choice, but you are not a failure. Allow your setback to be an opportunity for a comeback. You’ve got the victory, sweet sister!
I loved meeting you at Speak Up Cindy! I, too, am processing through so much that I learned….I keep thinking about the OR attitude….I came home ready to tackle creating a blog, then my reality of being a FT mom of three & wife kicked in…balance is the challenge! I know God has big plans, I just have to stay on HIS track….not my own! Thanks for your ‘sparkle’!!
You are beautiful because you are brimming with God’s love. (See!! A comment!!!)