Look what arrived in the warehouse last week?!

Look what arrived in the warehouse last week?!

Hey Friends –

It’s a super exciting day here at *She Sparkles*! Woo Hoo!

As many of you know, for the past 3+ years I’ve been sharing my passion and desire for women to live a life of Red Hot Faith! (Anyone remember my first mention here?)

How I long for women — myself included — to experience every ounce of the fullness, joy, and abundant life that is ours in Christ!

Can you imagine if we went beyond just believing in Jesus, but allowed His Truth to transform us from the inside out and impact every single area of our everyday life?!

I don’t want my life to be so focused on me or my comfort or what’s for dinner or what’s on sale at Walgreen’s or whether I’m a size 8 or a 12 or, for crying out loud, what size Jessica Simpson is this week.

Instead, what if we allowed Christ to fire up our faith and use us to make a profound difference in this lost and hurting world?!

Imagine if we put our Red Hot Faith in action – reflecting His goodness and grace in the midst of the “dailyness of life”…whether it’s at Target, or in an office, or on a missions trip, or in our own neighborhood. What if we were always on the lookout for a child that needs compassion, a friend that needs a hug, or a co-worker that could use a listening ear?

Even though most days my life feels crazy, chaotic and messy, I want to live a passionate life of Red Hot Faith. I wonder if you do too?!

Filming Mary Beth Chapman 2012

What started as a small lesson for my Monday Night BIble study has transformed by God’s grace alone into an 8-part video driven BIble study, complete with a participant and leader’s guide. Wow!

The video teachings also include personal stories woven in from women you may know (like Mary Beth Chapman & Marilyn Hontz to name a few). Only God!

Today I am thrilled to introduce to you what was recently delivered to my doorstep from Discovery House Publishing.

Are you ready? 

Drum roll please….

Can I get a Woo Hoo!

Can I get a Woo Hoo!

And yes, I may or may not have already ordered chili pepper confetti. (Ok, y’all know I did. It should be here this week. Yippee!)

Sweet friend, I would love your help!

Would you please join us in praying that God would use this study as a tool for His purpose and glory?

From the beginning this Red Hot Faith journey has been carried by prayer. I would be so humbled if you would join us in “praying down the tracks“!

In fact, I’m declaring Friday’s in 2014 “Red Hot Faith Friday’s.”

I’m going to start wearing red each Friday (and y’all know I never used to wear red), and praying specifically and powerfully that God would use this project to raise up a generation of women with Red Hot Faith.

Wanna join me? If so, feel free to throw on anything red on any and/or all Friday’s and pray! You could even send me a pic – I’d love to feature Red Hot Faith friends here on my blog!

Red Hot Faith Friends from Woodside Bible Church

Also, West Michigan friends, my friend Julie and I are hosting a special “Red Hot Faith Fiesta” on Thursday, May 8th at Sunshine Community Church. Although the Bible study isn’t officially released until May 30th, you can be one of the first to see it! Plus we’ll have a free chips and salsa bar, red-hot photo booth, and tons of festive fun. Send me your email and I’ll forward an invitation to you. We’d love for you to join us!

Thanks for sharing in the joy of this special day! May this remind you with God ALL THINGS are possible. We serve a God of miracles, friends! Indeed!

With much love and gratitude –



P.S. I’ve included lots of “live links” with this post. If you are new to the journey, you may want to click back and see how God has worked over the past 3+ years. May my story encourage you on YOUR journey. He is faithful friend, God is faithful! 🙂

P.P.S. Don’t forget to send your pictures my way! Here’s my friend Erin – a sweet, praying friend from Charlotte, NC. Erin writes, “Cindy! I am so excited about Red Hot Fridays, I decided to start today! 🙂 “


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