Thanks for all of the amazing emails, comments, phone calls, and discussion regarding my recent “Fat Talk” post.
I have cried big tears as I’ve read your stories of how you too (or your kids) have been impacted by “Fat Talk”. Thanks for trusting me with your journey.
May we all work together to erase Fat Talk!
Thanks, too, for all your sweet notes to see how I’m doing since my “little birdie” flew the nest. (Recap here).
Having my son Jake move out for college was WAY HARDER than I ever expected. Thankfully I can say I haven’t had a meltdown in weeks. Yay!
Jake & I still meet for breakfast every Wednesday (so yes, I just saw him this morning) – and I’m slowly adjusting to the change.
Your prayers, kind words, and encouragement have made a difference – thank you! 🙂
Also, y’all know how passionate I am about prayer! I received the following Mailbag Question…
Hi Cindy,
On your blog, awhile back, I pulled off a list of ways to pray for your husband, and one for the children. I had them printed, but in my organization lost them—is that possible? Haha! Anyway, do you remember which post it was in and could you let me know?
Thanks! C.S.
Dear C.S. 🙂
You have a good memory! For a quick review of the original Prayer post, you can click here. I’ve also put Prayer Resource links at the bottom of today’s post. And remember…
When men work, men work
but when men pray….God works!!!
Prayer Downloads for You…
A Prayer for Women by John Piper (click here). I love praying this aloud ~ this is the woman I desire to be!!
31 Biblical Virtues to Pray for Your Children (click here).
31 Days of Praying for Your Husband (click here)
Personally, I’ve loved reading A Praying LIfe by Paul Miller this summer. Based on his recommendation, I’ve started using “prayer cards”. I hope to tell you more about them soon! I love them!!!
Do you have any prayer resources that you have found helpful? Books that have encouraged you on your prayer journey? Stories of answered prayer?? Share with us please!!
I’ll close with one of my favorite quotes on prayer…
“When a Christian shuns fellowship with other Christians, the devil smiles. When she stops studying the Bible, the devil laughs. When she stops praying, the devil shouts for joy. “
~ Corrie Ten Boom
Let’s stay on our knees praying!! Prayer is the work!!
May the Lord bless you with a fresh measure of His power, presence and His peace!
Sweet Blessings –
P.S. Speaking of prayer, I am knee deep in a number of significant speaking opportunities this Fall. If the Lord brings me to mind, would you mind praying? I am asking God to prepare the hearts of the women, for health and protection for me and my family, and that God would use my teachings for MAXIMUM Kingdom IMPACT. I would be so grateful! How can I pray for you?? 🙂
Please continue to pray for me to show unconditional love for my 21 year old unmarried pregnant daughter; and for wisdom as I also have two other girls who are 7 and 11. Also, for strength since I’ve had to go back to working full-time (basically increased hours at 4 part-time jobs to all equal full-time) to meet the increased financial demands of the oldest one on our family. I’m still trying to be a good mom in the evenings even though I’m so tired sometimes it’s hard to think straight.