sharable-redhotfaith-pepper It’s Red Hot Faith LAUNCH WEEK! Woo Hoo! Every day this week I’ll be hosting different giveaways, specials, sneak peeks, & more! Peek here and here for previous giveaways — it’s not too late to enter! Join us for the week filled of red-hot fun!

Hey Friends!

Have you been “thinking about what you are thinking about?” 

I can usually determine the tone of my day by the thoughts in my mind.

If my day has been joy-filled and peaceful — even with four busy kids, zany dog, crazy schedule, etc –my mind has been focused on life-giving Truth.

But if I am frazzled and irritable and anxious and in a bunch about everything – typically I’ve been rehearsing my many fears, failures, insecurities, and shortcomings all. day. long.

And that, my dear friend, is not the abundant life that is ours in Christ.

 In my last post, I shared how, for many years, I allowed this “stinkin thinkin” to negatively impact most of my days. Even after I became a Jesus girl, I would wear false beliefs like sticky defining nametags, covered over with hurtful lies that I had picked up on along the way.

Labels such as:

Not good enough.

Not wanted.

Not beautiful enough.

Bad Mom.

And yes, Fat red cow. Ouch.

I wonder if you can relate?

So how do we get free of the lies, labels, and false beliefs that have been holding us back, and robbing us of the passion and purpose that we’ve been created to experience?

The Key: Renewing Our Mind with God’s Word

Certainly there have been many aspects and layers of my healing journey: Christian counseling. Reading God’s Word. Godly mentors. Forgiveness of myself and others. Prayer. Small group Community. Spending time with Jesus. Faithful Friends. Our Bible teaching Church.

But to experience daily victory, I must choose to “take off” the words that hurt – including the lies and false beliefs – and “put on” the TRUTH found in God’s Word.

You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self…to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. (Ephesians 4:22-24)

If we’ve been walking around with “stinkin’ thinkin,” how do we live this out on a daily basis?

Y’all know I’m such a simple girl. I literally started to picture myself ripping off the lies and putting on new nametags of TRUTH – A to Z style.

  • A – I am Accepted.
  • B – I am Beautiful
  • C – I am Chosen
  • D – I am Delievered (God delivered me from a cocaine addiction in 1996, certainly He can free me from the grip of negative thinking!)

You get the idea.

In the beginning I carried my A to Z Identity in Christ Verse Cards with me everywhere I went – even to the dentist while I was getting a cavity filled!

But friend, it was so worth it. He is so worth it! It’s amazing what Jesus & God’s Word can do!

Sweet friend, we have a choice: We don’t have to live defeated any longer. We can “take off” the words that hurt us, and replace them with His healing, life-changing Words.

photo123My dear friend Bethany from The Image Gallery has created an awesome resource to help us!

Bethany has taken my A to Z Truths from the Red Hot Faith Bible Study Session 6 and has made little A to Z Truth-telling “chili pepper” cards. Each pack contains who we are who we are in Christ, A to Z style, plus the 26 Scripture references. I love it!

I’ve had so much fun introducing them at some of my recent Red Hot Faith gatherings. The ladies love them — and I think you will too! It’s a perfect gift for friends, daughters, co-workers, neighbors, Bible study girls — you name it!

Here’s my FUN NEWS in honor of Launch Week: I’d like to send 10 A to Z “Truth Tellers” to 10 blessed *She Sparkles* friends! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

If your email address is not connected to your ID, please leave your email address with your comment or email it to me at with the subject “Giveaway”.

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles.* Have a Truth-filled weekend!

DSCN3833-150x150P.S. You may remember my dear friend Darlene, the founder of Verseability, also created an awesome resource to help with knowing and memorizing Truth!

Darlene designed spiral bound booklets with 26 Bible Verses called “Jesus is my Identity.”  Darlene even has one Versebook for adults and one for kids.(Although the books look different on the outside, the Memory verses are the same on the inside to encourage memorization together.) Contact Darlene here for more information! Her work is amazing!


Hey friend —
Join my email newsletter list and receive these FREE A to Z Scripture Cards, along with a printable envelope.  Woo Hoo!
Sweet blessings to you!

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