Hey Friends 🙂

Tonight my first born is graduating from high school! Wow!

And then next week is the last day of school for my younger kids! Woo Hoo!

You know me ~ I can’t let the last days of school go by without “marking the moment”!

How will we celebrate the end of our school year?

The girls have a 1/2 day of school on Friday, and then each kid is inviting another friend over for the afternoon. (The nice thing about having 4 kids is that it’s always easy to have a party ~ everyone invites a friend ~ suddenly my table is filled with 8! Yay!).

  • I’m not sending out invitations, but if I was, I would pick these! (Aren’t they adorable?)

  • Last year I greeted the kids with a banner when they got home, but “End of School Year” leis are a fun idea too!


  • For lunch, I’m letting the kids choose the menu. Of course, they picked pizza! Easy peasy! And for dessert, last year I purchased this cake and cupcakes (since we all know I don’t bake!)
Other End of School Year Celebration ideas…
  • We usually have a Treasure Hunt. I place a clue under one of our guests’ lunch plates. After lunch, I have everyone look under their plates. The friend with the clue gets things started. At the end of the treasure hunt, I have little prizes. This year I think it will be inflatable beach balls from the dollar store with this poem attached…

Summer is here, School is done. Go to the pool and have some fun! When your splashing with your friends and all, take along this prize and have “a ball“.

  • As you know, it wouldn’t be a party without BINGO. You can make your own Summer Fun BINGO cards here.



  • Last year I had a rule for our Celebration ~ NO use of pens, pencils, crayons, notebooks, etc.. (However, in case of rain, I’ll have color sheets, word searches, and mazes ready!)


Mostly, I just want the kids to have fun….laugh, get wet, run around, and have a blast! They’ve worked hard ~ now it’s time to CELEBRATE!! 🙂

For more “End of School Year” Celebration activiities, Tip Junkie has a ton of fun ideas!

What about for you?? How do you celebrate the End of the School Year?? Do you have a tradition or family fun idea to mark this day?? I’d love to hear from you!!!

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*! God’s richest blessings to you!!!

P.S. For more Works for Me Wednesday tips, head on over to visit Kristen at We are that Family!


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