Don’t forget to enter the first Fire Up Your Faith giveaway here!
Hey friends –
Welcome to week 2 of 31 Days to Fire Up Your Faith!
If this is your first visit — Welcome! You can get caught up here. Grab a notebook, a pen, and let’s pray God fires up our faith like never before!
Our goal during this 31 Day journey is to answer the question, “HOW?” How do we allow God to ignite our heart with fresh faith, purpose and passion?
Last week we talked about Key #1 – Presence.
It’s in His presence that our faith becomes red-hot!
If we want to truly KNOW God (and not just know about Him) — we must carve out time to spend with Him. We just must. I’ve enjoyed reading in the comments section HOW (and where) you, dear friends, are meeting with God each day.
Aren’t you glad there’s not a right or wrong way, or “quiet time” rules? No way.
Back in the day when I had 3 kids in diapers (and one young travel hockey player), my “quiet time” was pretty non-quiet. Often times I met with God in our mini-van, or in the hockey rink parking lot, or on the bathroom floor. No kidding.
It’s not our time of day or location or pretty colored pencils that matters as much as our heart. A heart desiring to climb “up the mountain” to meet with God, spending time in His powerful presence is one of the keys to a fired up faith.
And now for Key # 2 (insert drumroll…..)
Key # 2 – Promises
Sweet friends, God’s promises from the Bible have the power to transform us from the inside out. Guaranteed.
If we want God to Fire Up our Faith, we must be women of the Word — memorizing, meditating, studying, sharing, and letting the Word of God dwell richly in us.
Now please don’t check out here.
I’m not saying you need to go to seminary, know Hebrew or Greek, understand everything the Bible says, have grown up in the church, or need to carry your thickest Bible around with you everywhere you go.
But —
“There’s nothing like the written Word of God for showing you the way to salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. Every part of Scripture is God-breathed and useful one way or another—showing us truth, exposing our rebellion, correcting our mistakes, training us to live God’s way. Through the Word we are put together and shaped up for the tasks God has for us.” (2 Timothy 3:16-17 MSG)
Sweet friends, living and walking in the Truth of God’s promises can change our life.
If you have spent anytime around me, you know how passionate I am about memorizing Scripture.
I’m not kidding – my life has been TRANSFORMED because my mind has been TRANSFORMED – and that has come by renewing my mind with His Word.
If you are struggling with areas of defeat, discouragement, or just feeling “stuck” – God’s Word works, I promise!
Today’s Challenge : Day 6 of our 31 Days.
1. Hopefully by now you’ve grabbed your Fire Up My Faith notebook. If you haven’t done so already, please jot down today’s date, and then, spend time praying for God’s help and guidance as you seek Him for a fired up faith. How is your faith these days? Smokin’ hot? A hint of heat?
Journal your thoughts. Ask God to remove any distractions getting in the way of your relationship with Him.
2. Are you currently memorizing Scripture? If so, jot your verse on an index card and then please share God’s promise with us.
3. If you are not currently memorizing Scripture, yippee! Let’s do this together! Please print off this free downloadable/printable set of Red Hot verse cards, and then pick one to memorize.
1 John 3:1 (verse 1) is one of my favorites.
4. In the comments section, please say “I’m in!” if you will join us in memorizing one of God’s promises this week, and share what verse you are memorizing.
Bonus challenge: take a picture of where you are memorizing your verse and post it on my FB page here.
Here’s some samples —
Thanks so much for stopping by 31 Days to Fire Up Your Faith!
I love journeying with you, dear friend! Fired Up Faith can and will be our reality, friends! Woo hoo!
P.S. In case you don’t want to miss a day, you can like my FB page, connect with me on Twitter, or subscribe to my blog via the sidebar. There’s 29 more days of ideas, resources, and encouragement to Fire Up Your Faith to come!
I love this series idea. I joined Bible Study Fellowship for the first time to help fire up my faith and it was so the right choice for me. It has helped greatly with my time in His Word. I look forward to following along and getting to know you. Blessings.
Hi Beth! I’m so glad you are joining us for this 31 Day journey! I look forward to getting to know you too!
Sweet blessings to you!
Cindy 🙂
I’m im!!! I am going to start memorizing verse by verse, Philippians 3: 4-9.
woops….I meant I’m going to memorize Phil. 4:4-9…had the wrong chapter the first time.
Hi Yvonne! Yay for being in! Woo Hoo! May God use Phil 4:4-9 to strengthen and stretch you as you seek to memorize it! Thanks for sharing!
Cindy 🙂
I’m in! I’ve got one of the identity cards you gave me on my desk.
Temple of God
Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own.
1 Corinthians 6:19
I’m working on this one because I’m struggling with food cravings, especially close to my period.
I’m in! I’m working on Colossians 3:23. I’m guilty as charged as a people pleaser. I need to slow down, spend time with God and pray before making commitments. I hope when I do, that I will feel like my commitments are acts of service oppose to obligations that take time away from my family and my sanity.
Beth S, how awesome I am part of BSF as well and I enjoy every minute of it. I am in! One of my favorites is Proverbs 91. I have the first 2 verses memorized so I am going to commit to memorizing the next 2.
I’m in! I’m memorizing: May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. (Rom 15:5-6)
I have a very hard time memorizing verses…any suggestions?
Im in and going to work on the one you suggested John 3:1. Im certainly enjoying your series!!!
I’m in! But, like Genevieve, I have a difficult time memorizing! I can get the verse memorized, but weeks later I have trouble retrieving it. Any ideas??
I’m going to memorize Psalm 34:8. I have your card in my car and am writing out an index card and put by my phone at work.
I also have a hard time memorizing. I think I’ve got it, but as the other Natalie stated, I can barely recall it even days later. Maybe if I stick with it, it will get better? I’m going to say I’m in, but it’s scary. Going to try putting the card in my van so I see it as I run errands.
I too am horrible at memorizing scripture. I have only remembered a handful of verses. I really want to work on this. I am going to memorize Job 23:10. My life seems to be a series of trials and tests and I need to be reminded that I will come out as gold.