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If this is your first visit — you can start from the beginning here. Feel free to join anytime!  May God rekindle your faith and ignite you with fresh purpose and power!

Speaking of “power” — that’s Key # 4 as we seek to answer the question

How do we allow God to fire up our faith so that we can shine bright for Him?

Key # 4 — Receive God’s Power

As I shared earlier, the Bible reminds us in Acts 1:8 — you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and THEN you will be my witnesses.

Jesus shared these words with His disciples right after they had been with Him (in His presence), but He knew they would need something else to fulfill their purpose….Holy Spirit power!

Charles Stanley shares, “The supernatural dynamic of the Spirit operates through prayer, faith, and obedience. We have been so busy depending on our own natural strengths, our good training, and our busyness for God that we are near spiritual bankruptcy.”

Yikes! I don’t want to live near spiritual bankruptcy — and my sense is you don’t either, friend!

Bottom line: if we want to live with a fired up faith, we must be empowered by God’s Holy Spirit. Because rememberthe Holy Spirit gives a person the effectiveness for God’s will and God’s work to be done through Him.”

Here’s the good news: we do NOT have to live our faith lives in our own strength — trying to muster up fresh faith  — but instead, we can be filled to the measure with God’s dynamic power…even in the midst of our everyday, ordinary lives.

Don’t believe me? Listen to what Bible teacher Beth Moore shares —

Sweet friend, we are meant to live our lives filled to the measure with God’s dynamic, effective, resurrection power!

And as we do — our faith lives will be fired up and burn brighter than ever so that we can make a difference in this lost and hurting world!

Sweet friend, let’s say NO MORE to lackluster, lukewarm living, and instead ask God to rekindle our faith and use us as we live power-filled lives!

Today’s Challenge: Day 22 of our 31 Days.

1. Grab your notebook, jot today’s date, and then, write out a prayer to God asking Him to infuse you with fresh power for ministry. Reflect on today’s post, including Beth Moore’s powerful video. Any new insights? Thoughts? Share with us in the comments section please!

2. What do you think gets in the way from women living power-filled lives? Are you experiencing a fullness of God’s power and strength? Why or why not?

3. How might God want to use you — just like He used Beth Moore at the airport — in the life of someone in your everyday life — today? Are your eyes and ears open to how He might be speaking to you?

Thanks so much for stopping by 31 Days to Fire Up Your Faith! Can you believe we are nearing the finish line? May God remind you in a fresh, specific way of the dynamic power He has available for you!

Sweet blessings

P.S. Don’t forget my Bible study — Red Hot Faith: Lessons from a Lukewarm Churchis going to be offered as an on-line study this fall! Woo Hoo!

Starting October 29th, you can participate in Red Hot Faith (including watching the DVD teaching sessions) from the luxury of your own home through Ignite Women. My super passionate friend Paulette Stafford Stamper & her team will be facilitating the online study each Wednesday night. And guess what else? In honor of Ignite Women’s national launch, they are offering free membership through November 30th.

If you know anyone who might benefit from this amazing opportunity, please feel free to share. For more info go to ignite ad

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Sweet blessings to you!

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