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Welcome, friend!

If this is your first visit — you can start from the beginning hereI’m so glad you are with us! I pray God ignites you with fresh faith and purpose!

Speaking of “purpose” — today’s the last day of Key # 3 as we seek to answer the question

How do we allow God to fire up our faith so that we can shine bright for Him?

purposeKey # 3 —Remember your Purpose

Sweet friend, we’ve been talking about this all week, but my sense is there is a dear friend — maybe YOU — who thinks I am talking to someone else —

That God couldn’t or wouldn’t or shouldn’t want to use you.

But here’s the good news!

If you are a believer in Jesus Christ and are still here on the planet Earth — your life has PURPOSE!

  • Regardless of what you have done or what has been done to you.
  • Regardless of whether you are in perfect health or struggle with having good days & bad.
  • Regardless of how much of the Bible you know.
  • Regardless of whether you are an extrovert or an introvert
  • Regardless of whether you have been a Christian your whole life or you are just starting a faith relationship with Jesus — the Bible reminds us YOUR life has purpose!

God can bring His redemptive purpose from our past, our present day circumstances, even our pain.

But we must believe God wants to use us and step out into our calling.

And that’s where our faith comes in.

If you’ve read my blog for long, you know how for many years I allowed “stinkin thinkin” to negatively impact most of my days, and live a life of self-defeat and destruction.

I felt like a throw away girl with no purpose or promise for the future.

Even after I became a Jesus girl, I would wear false beliefs like sticky defining nametags, covered over with hurtful lies that I had picked up on along the way.

Labels such as:

  • Not good enough.
  • Not wanted.
  • Not beautiful enough
  • Bad Mom.

And yes, even Fat red cow. Ouch.

I wonder what false labels like to try and stick to you?

So how do we get free of the lies, labels, and false beliefs that have been holding us back, and robbing us of the passion and purpose that we’ve been created to experience?

The Key: Renewing Our Mind with God’s Promises

Certainly there have been many aspects and layers of my healing journey: Christian counseling. Reading God’s Word. Godly mentors. Forgiveness of myself and others. Prayer. Small group Community. Spending time with Jesus. Faithful Friends. Our Bible teaching Church.

But to live a life of purpose, I must choose to “take off” the words that hurt – including the lies and false beliefs – and “put on” the TRUTH found in God’s Word.

You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self…to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. (Ephesians 4:22-24)

If you’ve allowed “stinkin’ thinkin” to rob you of your sense of purpose, how do we change this?

Y’all know I’m such a simple girl. I literally started to picture myself ripping off the lies and putting on new nametags of TRUTH – A to Z style.

  • A – I am Accepted.
  • B – I am Beautiful
  • C – I am Chosen
  • D – I am Delievered (God delivered me from a cocaine addiction in 1996, certainly He can free me from the grip of negative thinking!)

You get the idea.

In the beginning I carried my A to Z Identity in Christ Verse Cards with me everywhere I went – even to the dentist while I was getting a cavity filled!

But friend, it was so worth it. He is so worth it! It’s amazing what Jesus & God’s Word can do!

Sweet friend, we have a choice: We don’t have to live defeated any longer. We can “take off” the words that hurt us, replace them with His healing, life-changing Words, and begin to experience a full, passionate, purpose-filled life.

Can I get a Woo Hoo?

Sweet friend, let’s say NO MORE to lackluster, lukewarm living, and instead ask God to rekindle our faith and use us as we live our lives on purpose!

Today’s Challenge: Day 18 of our 31 Days.

1. Grab your notebook, jot today’s date, and then, write out a prayer to God asking Him to reveal any “false nametags” that are getting in the way of  your purpose. Ask God to help you get to the root. Who said that to you? Is it Truth? If it is not Truth, ask God to eradicate the lie, and replace it with His Truth!

2. Watch/listen to this awesome song by Jason Gray. (It’s sooo good! Thanks for sharing, JJ.) Any thoughts?

3. Print off this free downloadable/printable A to Z — Who I Am in Christ,  and then “go up the mountain” and spend time in His Presence. Starting with the “A” verse, look up a verse or two and record what you learn about who you are in Christ.

4. What gets in the way of YOU living your life on purpose? How can you take one step TODAY towards experiencing your daily life with renewed purpose? Share with us please!

Sweet friend, if we’re going to live with fired up faith, we must remember our Purpose – and BELIEVE GOD wants to use us, just as we are!

Not just use us someday — when we lose weight, the kids move out, know more Bible verses, have new matching furniture, or get our act together.


Thanks so much for stopping by 31 Days to Fire Up Your Faith! May God remind you afresh who you are to Him, and infuse you with fresh faith as you live a life of purpose and passion!

Sweet blessings
P.S. In case you don’t want to miss a day, you can like my FB page, connect with me on Twitter, or subscribe to my blog via the sidebar. There’s 13 more days of ideas, resources, and encouragement to Fire Up Your Faith to come!




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Sweet blessings to you!

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