Welcome, friend!
If this is your first visit — you can start from the beginning here. Feel free to join in at anytime! I’m so glad you are with us! May God rekindle your faith and ignite you with fresh passion and purpose!
Speaking of “purpose” — that’s Key # 3 as we seek to answer the question —
How do we allow God to fire up our faith so that we can shine bright for Him?
Key # 3 —Remember your Purpose
As I shared yesterday, the Bible reminds us our lives have purpose!
Our purpose includes to:
- know Him
- believe Him
- glorify Him
- be His witness
…even in the midst of our mundane, ordinary, everyday lives.
Sweet friends, can we be real here today?
My sense is there is a sweet friend — maybe YOU — who thinks I am talking to someone else —
That God couldn’t or wouldn’t or shouldn’t want to use you.
I hear it all the time.
It’s not uncommon when I share my story at an event, that I’ll have a long line of women coming to share their stories too.
Heart-breaking stories of
- loss
- addiction
- affairs
- bankruptcy
- abuse
- abortions
- insecurity
You name it — I’ve heard it.
And these precious women wonder if God might ever have purpose for them.
Sweet friend: here’s the good news!
If you are a believer in Jesus Christ and are still here on the planet Earth — your life has PURPOSE!
Regardless of what you have done.
Regardless of what has been done to you.
God can bring His redemptive purpose from our past, our pain, even our present challenges.
Only God can do that!
Don’t believe me? Listen to what Bible teacher Beth Moore shares —
Warning: Beth is sharing part of her personal testimony, including childhood sexual victimization. She’s very appropriate in her sharing, but I wanted to give you a heads-up.
We are meant to live our lives on purpose!
And as we do — our faith lives will be fired up and burn brighter than ever!
Sweet friend, let’s say NO MORE to lackluster, lukewarm living, and instead ask God to rekindle our faith and use us as we live our lives on purpose!
Today’s Challenge: Day 14 of our 31 Days.
1. Grab your notebook, jot today’s date, and then, write out a prayer to God asking Him to remind you of your purpose. Reflect on today’s post, including Beth Moore’s powerful video. Any new insights? Thoughts? Share with us in the comments section please!
2. What do you think gets in the way from women living their lives on purpose?
- Fear
- Unbelief
- Shame
- Guilt
- Doubt
- Laziness
- Self absorption
What gets in the way of YOU living your life on purpose? How can you take one step towards experiencing your daily life with renewed purpose?
3. I love this nugget of Truth I first heard at a Beth Moore conference.
Acts 13:36 says, “After David served God’s purpose in his own generation, he fell asleep…” (translation, David died, not took a nap)
Wouldn’t you love to have that said about you?
I know I would.
Cindy served God’s purpose in her generation.
“___________served God’s purpose in _____ generation” Acts 13:36
Write out the above statement with your name in the blanks.
After you write it in your journal, say it aloud a few times. (Say it like you mean it too —smile!) Then “pray the promise,” asking God to help you serve His purpose in this current generation!
Sweet friend, if we’re going to live with fired up faith, we must remember our Purpose – and BELIEVE GOD wants to use us!
Not just use us someday — when we lose weight, the kids move out, know more Bible verses, have new matching furniture, or get our act together.
How might God want to use you in the lives of someone in your everyday life — today?
Thanks so much for stopping by 31 Days to Fire Up Your Faith! May God remind you in a fresh, specific way of the purpose He has for you in the midst of your ordinary, every day life! Look for His hand. He is with you!
Sweet blessings
P.S. In case you don’t want to miss a day, you can like my FB page, connect with me on Twitter, or subscribe to my blog via the sidebar. There’s 29 more days of ideas, resources, and encouragement to Fire Up Your Faith to come!
Can you hear me over here hollering “AMEN!!” ??
God used my cancer journey for the purpose of teaching me the peace that passes understanding. I used to say my “spiritual” gift was worry. 🙂 I was able to share a little portion of my story with the ladies at bible study today. My husband and I would not be where we are today (on the mission field) without cancer. Praise God that pain is not wasted.
Oh, Cindy! This really spoke to me. (It all does.) I came to you in July wondering my purpose. I spent what felt like forever trying to discern God’s will. I was missing the point. Thankfully, we have a patient God and He changed my heart and helped me see. I know He’s working in me. I feel like He is calling me to do something, but I’m going to be patient this time and wait for God to show me. I tend to get an idea and just run head first without taking the time to see if it’s God’s will or my own.