West Michigan friends, it’s official! I’m teaching Red Hot Faith “live” this summer. Woo Hoo! Details here. I’d love to have you join us!
Hey Friends –
Today I’m joining my dear friend Jen Ferguson and her Around the Kitchen Table party. You can read the details here, but basically Jen invites friends from across the nation to join her on the 1st Monday of every month to share a quick video blog (vlog) of what is going on in their world.
You know me, not wanting to miss a fun party, I decided to participate!
Now I’m not as brave as Jen – who has shared these video updates sans makeup – but in the spirit of keeping it real, I did not brush my hair or make any adjustments to my person or my home (although I did close my laundry room door. It’s filled with Christmas ornaments and such. Ugh).
I also did not prescript my story (clearly). This is the real me.
Here is my fun answered prayer story from this weekend….
I kinda parphrased my dad’s text. Again, wanting to be real and authentic, this is the official text my dad sent to me that I received in TJ Maxx.
Isn’t God awesome?! I love answered prayer stories!
For more vlog updates, check out Jen’s blog here.
If I was to join you around your kitchen table this week, what would you tell me? What’s on your heart and mind? What has God been teaching you lately? I’d love to hear from you!
Thanks again for stopping by, my friend! I thank God for YOU!
P.S. As I mentioned, I’m linking up with Jen at Finding Heaven and the Soli Deo Gloria Sisterhood today. Be sure to check out these amazing women. You’ll be blessed indeed! 🙂
This is so awesome! I laughed out loud at least 3 times! (Esp when you said you were at TJ Maxx!)
I love how these stories are such great reminders that God cares about EVERYTHING.
Love you, girl. You are beautiful, inside and out!
Love it, Cindy! I also hope to get some vlogs going in the near future. Nick is working on getting me set up for this. You have inspired me to go forth! Thank you!
I love this!! What a wonderful story. (I so need to step out and vlog, you make me want to try!) Stopping by from SDG, Blessings!
Wow, Cindy! That is so cool about your daughter at the hockey game. Isn’t that just how awesome our God is?!
I love TJ Maxx. Roger…not so much. 🙂
thanks for sharing…so great to hear your voice and see you smile 🙂
Cindy, what a great God story from a mama’s heart! You totally sparkle in this video. Thanks for sharing yourself with us.
I love it! God is in all the details and knows exactly what each of our children need better than we do! I have a fun answered prayer this morning. I woke up feeling rotten and decided it was time to see the Dr. I prayed for an hour and a half (while getting kids ready and to the bus), that God might show me what to do and if at all possible keep my commitment to a meeting this morning, be able to get to the Dr and still be home before my kids got home. I called as soon as they opened, and the first appointment time she gave me was absolutely perfect. I kept my commitment, got the help I needed from the dr, and might even have time for a nap before kids get home so I have energy for dinner prep! God is good!
I can just see you at TJ’s beaming! : ) WHAT AN AWESOME GOD!
Cindy- Just WOW! I love when God “shows off” to His daughters 🙂 Thank you for sharing this and making my heart smile!
Loved this story about the way God provided for you, for M, and for your dad. And I love it that you ended up at TJ’s! 😉
You are so fun. You have such a great and likable personality. One that just makes you want to say, “Hey, I want to be her friend!”.
I laughed then was brought to tears with the beautiful way God answers prayer. God could have just hit her with a happy stick, but He creatively answered in a way you couldn’t have thought of. Just a beautiful story.