Sometimes I think two of the most powerful words I know are “me too.”
Isn’t it a relief when we learn we are not the only one who is wrestling with “junk” on the inside —hurts, lies, stinkin’ thinkin’, disappointment —even though we’re smiling on the outside and trying to hold it all together?
I believe the brave choice is to be honest with how we are really doing, and ask God to help us feel, heal, and deal with our circumstances and challenges.
Your comments, emails, and FB messages revealed to me after my last post, that I was not the only one struggling. Â Thank you for your authenticity, sweet friend.
You see, as I scrolled through FB on New Years Eve, it seemed everyone was celebrating their amazing weight loss success in 2015. The enemy, being fully aware of my weak spots, took advantage of this opportune time to seek to kill my dreams, steal my hope, and destroy my joy. (It’s the enemy’s job you know, says John 10:10)
Rather than celebrating a year of victory (including putting family first and stepping away from a full ministry schedule, consistently working out twice a week all year, even going to see ALL my doctors and getting early detected skin cancer removed ) — I was focused on what I didn’t accomplish.
And as I read FB posts declaring 2016 was going to be awesome, amazing, incredible — the enemy whispered afresh for me to not get my hopes up — I was a failure. My year was never going to be awesome, amazing, or incredible. I would never be free.
But as I sought God prayerfully through His Word, the veil was lifted and my eyes were opened to the Truth.
Friends, freedom is not defined by a number — whether it’s a number on the scale, in a bank account, size of your jeans, or number of kids in your minivan.
Our worth is not based on our blog numbers, FB friends, work-outs, vitamin shakes, oils, Pinterest crafts, shiplap designed rooms, ministry platforms, or perfectly manicured nails.
The Truth is freedom is a person, and His Name is Jesus.
The journey of freedom comes from a daily decision —sometimes minute by minute decision — to follow Jesus wholeheartedly and seek to accomplish His will for our lives.
Now does this mean we don’t make resolutions or goals or prayerfully pick our #onewords? That’s not what I’m saying. I’m all for moving forward, dreaming big dreams, praying bold prayers, and turning this world upside-down for Jesus’ sake (Acts 17:6).
But I do think we need much wisdom and discernment as we select our goals and dreams and one-words. Â I mean, how do we know what 2016 holds?
If we pick words like awesome, incredible, ah-mazing, and then the —
- employment ends
- bank account dries up
- thyroid issue comes back
- marriage ends
- accident happens
- publisher changes their mind
Then what? Does this mean we are failures, losers, less than enough?
Good grief — NO.
The reality is we are broken people living in a broken world, and none of us have it all together, no matter how hard we try. Â We desperately need daily infusions of His grace, peace, and strength to fight this good fight of faith.
So, did I set new resolutions for 2016 and/or pick my #oneword? I did. This year I picked…..
Regardless of what this year holds, may I — may we — be found faithful.
So, it’s mid-month already, sweet friends. How is 2016 shaping up for you so far? Are you fired up or fizzled out? What is God teaching YOU these days? I would LOVE to hear from you!
Thanks for stopping by, sweet friend. You are dearly loved!