A photocomposition of a baseball in motion flying in the air over a partly cloudy sky.

Hi Friend 🙂

Happy Monday! I hope you’ve had a great weekend!

True confession: I. am. struggling.

If we are friends on FB, you’ve heard me share somehow I came down with “tennis elbow.” Have you had it before? Heard of it?  I’ve been wrestling with it since mid-January, and boy does it hurt like crazy. Who knew one part of your body could cause such pain?!

Not only do I now have major restrictions (no lifting, no handshakes, no opening peanut butter jars, minimal typing, etc..) and twice a week doctor appointments, I am in a state of constant discomfort.

It’s making my normally cheerful demeanor downright cranky.

I’m trying to turn my grumbling into gratitude (thanks, Julie) but mostly I feel like I’ve been thrown a major “curve ball” and I don’t like it one bit. Wah! Wah!

How about for you, friend? When was the last time you were thrown some disappointing or discouraging life circumstances? How did you turn your grumbling into gratitude?

As I’ve been reflecting on my new challenge this week, I thought of a periscope broadcast I filmed right before Christmas. I shared 3 things we need to cut out of our life if we desire more peace and more joy. I actually re-watched my own teaching this weekend to give myself a pep talk. It worked!

In case you need a fresh boost of encouragement, maybe my words will help you too —

If you are reading this by email, here is the link to watch the short video clip: here.

For more peace and joy in the midst of our challenging days, what are we going to “cut out,” friends?

1. Complaining

Do everything without grumbling or arguing...” —Philippians 2:14

2. Comparisons

When they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves, they are not wise.” —2 Corinthians 10:12

3. Critical Spirit

Don’t pick on people, jump on their failures, criticize their faults— unless, of course, you want the same treatment. That critical spirit has a way of boomeranging….” —Matthew 7:1-2 MSG

How does my video message find you today, friend?

Of the 3 C’s, which do you find hardest to cut out of your life? I would love to hear from you!

Have a joy-filled, non-grumbling week. I’m heading back to the doctor this afternoon. Do you think they’ll notice if I bring my purple scissors with me?! 🙂

Sweet blessings,



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